Training on a Sunday commences with the purchase of a $3.00 Training Wrist Band from the registration table outside the Clubhouse and you will be marked off in the attendance book. Please be aware of other dogs around you as you approach the table, and keep your dog under control. You will then assemble outside the Clubhouse at 1:25pm in your class. Your Instructor will then move the class to a section of the ground for training, after which you will return to the assembly area for announcements. Please listen to the announcements, as they invariably will contain information of interest to you. Pass-up Cards, being recognition of your graduation from a class, are also presented at this time, and there is often a fund raising raffle drawn too. Whilst listening to announcements, remember to sit or drop your dog beside you, and keep an eye on him to make sure he or she doesn’t disturb others.
Punctuality is important. Please be on time for classes. In fairness to your dog and other classmates, as well as your Instructor, arrive at least 20 – 30 minutes before training starts. Allow your dog to become familiar with the ground and surrounding area – he will be more willing to settle down during class. Remember, dogs are to be on lead at all times unless under the direct supervision of your Instructor. If your bitch is in season, naturally you will leave her at home, but you may still attend if you wish. You may then keep up with class progress, and teach your bitch at home during the week
Please ensure you have your current badges on during training to assist Instructors and others to get to know you and it is also a club insurance requirement. If you have lost your badge please speak to the people at the registration desk to organise a replacement.
Comfortable, sensible clothing is important. Wear sneakers or similar, and clothes that don’t flap in your dog’s face such as an open coat. Thongs are not suitable as footwear when training your dog. Wear clothing appropriate to the weather, wet weather gear, gumboots, etc., if necessary. It is preferable not to wear sunglasses when training, so your dog can have eye contact with you; a peaked cap will shade your eyes if necessary. Always turn off your mobile phone whilst in class.
You will need a flexible lead between 750 mm and 1 metre in length. Choose a lead that is soft on the hands that you can hold securely. Puppies will commence training on a flat collar, and may proceed to a slip chain as they grow older. As your puppy grows, you may need more than one length of slip chain, depending on the size of your dog. It is important to have the correct size for your dog, otherwise it will not function correctly. Your Instructor will be happy to assist you in choosing the right size slip chain from our Equipment Stall, which is well stocked and reasonably priced. We stock German made equipment specifically made for German Shepherd Dogs.
You will also need a toy for your dog for play. The toy is just as important as all the other training tools you have, and should be carried with you at all times when you are training your dog. Your Instructors will teach you how to reward your dog with the toy.
Cleaning up after your dog is one of the least pleasant, but vital, chores of being a dog owner! You should always carry a plastic bag or two with you with which to pick up your dog’s droppings and dispose of them responsibly in a bin. There are plastic bag dispensers placed in various locations around our Clubhouse for your convenience, but it is always wise to have your own supply in case your dog relieves himself at a location away from the Clubhouse.
Always be alert when you have your dog with you, especially when mixing with the other dogs. Be careful not to let your dog disturb others, and watch your own dog to make sure he does the same. Socialisation is very important, but you should approach other dogs with caution, and seek the owner’s permission to let your dog meet theirs. Some dogs are not as friendly as others, and you should always assume the worst until you know otherwise, even if your dog is friendly
We offer many different activities for your dog, and you will see various types of equipment set up around the ground on a Sunday. You should only use the equipment after you have been taught to do so by your Instructor, and in fact, you should always have an Instructor present when using the Agility Equipment. It is important to teach your dog each particular item carefully, thus preventing mishaps in the future